School of Public Health Hold Theme Education Activities of Graduation Party Members
Post:2016-05-11 00:00  Click:

To give full play to the advanced and exemplary role of Party members, promote college students love the school feeling, help students in lower grades and establish learning goals and planning, April 24 at 1:30 in the afternoon, School of Public Health Organization class of 2015 all the students in Li Siguang building first carried out to "for flag brightness for alma mater gift" as the theme of Postgraduate Employment Exchange lecture activities. School of public health, Secretary of the Communist Youth League, 2015 grade teacher counselor Su Guofan to participate in this event. The event invited several of the class of 2011 outstanding graduate Party members to speech, report form and low grade students Kaoyan exchange, research, experience abroad, employment preparation, and introduce their own campus learning life, scientific research of struggle, to help junior students learn more information and to establish the learning objectives. Outstanding graduate students from the subject of the subject of the course, the main research direction of the subject, study abroad, employment information and other aspects of the professional to carry out a detailed introduction. For the students to explain in detail the professional positioning, introduced their own professional background in the era of the new situation, new development, new opportunities, how to win the opportunity in the future of postgraduate entrance examination and employment. At the same time, the professional graduate Party members on behalf of also of the new proposed some expectations, hope that the students to have the sense of responsibility, to be actively to make contributions to the society of talent, also hope you can keep your feet on the ground, make full use of school, school teaching and research resources, increase knowledge, broaden their horizons, to grasp the opportunity, a successful harvest. All classes of students in the hospital are seriously in the audience listening, and some students even note a few pages of notes. Under the guidance of the teacher Su Guofan, outstanding Party members and students in the lower grade in-depth exchanges, for many of the problems of students, 2011 students on behalf of the teacher and Su Guofan were patiently and carefully made a reply. The exchange in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere of, "senior learn elder sister of humorous language, which means the focus and postgraduate employment, and improve the students' interest and their serious attitude won the applause of the students. The exchange will be successfully held help junior students to understand more of the professional graduate employment and other relevant information and strengthened for the professional self-identity feeling, established the future learning goals, improve the academic atmosphere, making the students for future study, research, study section of the road have a certain understanding, but also gain a lot of valuable experience. I believe that the exchange will be able to study the future of the students will be able to guide the direction of learning, to help students enhance confidence, seize the opportunity.

School Of Public Health Jilin University

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