LIU Huafeng
Post:2021-04-29 17:09  Click:


  • 2014/09—2015/9University of Manitoba, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science,Visiting Schola

  • 2005/09—2010/06 Jilin University, School of Public Health, PhD

  • 2003/09—2005/06 Jilin University, School of Public Health, Master

  • 1996/09—2000/06WuhanPolytechnicUniversity, Bachelor

Working Experience

  • 2006/09— present Lecturer,School of Public Health, Jilin University,

  • 2000/07—2006/09 Teaching Assistant,School of Public Health, Jilin University,

Research Fields

  • Nutrition andHealth

  • Bioactivefoodcompoundsfunction

  • Food safety and testing technology research

Research Projects

  • The study on fatty acid composition of breast milk and infant mental development by fatty acid intake and gene variants of FADS gene cluster of lactating mothers,Supported byNationalNaturalScienceFoundation ofChina(NSFC). Researcher

  • the study on Obesity, malnutrition of iron mechanismn,Supported byDepartment of Science and Technology of Jilin Province of P.R. China Researcher

  • the intervention effect of exogenous zinc on impaired glucose regulation and the expression of ZnT8 and MT,Supported byJilin University Researcher

  • Relationship between monoamine oxidase A gene polymorphism and juvenile violent crime(123),Health Department of Jilin Province,Researcher

School Of Public Health Jilin University

Tel:+86 431-85166000 Zip code:130012

Address:NO.2699 Qianjin Street,Changchun,Jilin,P.R.China