Weiguo Deng
Post:2016-03-14 15:41  Click:

Weiguo Deng

Professor, Department of Hygiene of children and adolescents

E-mail: dengwg@jlu.edu.cn

Academic Experiences:

·Professor, Jilin University, Hygiene of children and adolescents, 2004 - present

·Visiting research fellow (Biochemistry): Department of Biochemistry,Akita University Japan 1999-2001

·Master (Biochemistry), Bethune University of Medicine Science 1986-1989

·B.Sc., Bethune University of Medicine Science 1978-1982

Research Field: The diagnosis value of FOXC2 for tumor

Forkhead box C2(FOXC2)is a transcription factor belonging to the helix family of forkheadorwinged "C" sub group. At present, studies on FOXC2 gene function mainly concentrated the relationship between expression and mutation of FOXC2 gene and human disease, such as Involving in tumor invasion and metastasis, angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, diabetes and obesity, metabolic syndrome and so on. Molecular mechanism of EMT occurrence has been a hotspot in medical field. There is evidence that FOXC2 also directly or indirectly involved in the occurrence and development of EMT process through various signal pathways and mediation factors. We hope to research Thoroughly the role of the transcription factor FOXC2 in the process of EMT. This will be conducive to the diagnosis and treatment of tumor metastasis.

School Of Public Health Jilin University

Tel:+86 431-85166000 Zip code:130012

Address:NO.2699 Qianjin Street,Changchun,Jilin,P.R.China