Xiaodong Liu
Post:2016-03-21 15:24  Click:

LIU, Xiaodong        PhD., Professor
Associate Dean, Research and foreign affairs     
Director, Key laboratory of Radiation Biology (Ministry of Health)
1999.09-2002.07 School of Public Health of Jilin University (Radiation Medicine), China, Ph.D Candidate
1995.09-1998.07 Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences (Toxicology), China, M.Sc Candidate
1990.09-1995.07 Harbin Medical University (Preventive Medicine), China, Undergraduate
Working Experience
2015.03-2015.10 Columbia University (Radiation biology and translational Medicine), USA, Visiting scientist
2007 -Current  Professor, School of Public Health of Jilin University
2005.11-2006.11 Harvard School of Public Health (Cancer Biology), USA, Postdoctoral Fellow
2004-2007    Associate Professor, School of Public Health of Jilin University
2003.02-2004.03 University of Manitoba (Immunology), Canada, Postdoctoral Fellow
Research field
Radiation biology and Translational Medicine in Cancer: Radiation-induced cell death
Environmental radiation and health: Cancer risk & hormesis of low dose radiation
Cancer epidemiology and biomarkers screening
The mechanisms of lysosome-mediated cell death after the treatment of radiationNSFC, 81573082, ¥840,000
The roles of MicroRNA in the radiation-induced autophagy and the epigenetic regulationNSFC, 30970682, ¥300,000
The mechanism of radiation-induced autophagyNSFC, 30770649, ¥310,000
The effects of RNAi combined with radiotherapy on the mutation of p53- exon 8NSFC,30500142, ¥230,000
Mechanism of the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation and the medical protection973 program, ¥1,000,000
 The roles of autophagy in the development of colonrectal cancer(Science and technology program of Jilin, 201205010, ¥40,000)
The biological effects of repeated CT scan and its carcinogenesis (riskMinisry of Health of Jilin Provence,20142036, ¥80,000)
The side effects radiation on brainstem after the Trigeminal nerve is irradiated (Huiheng Investment Company¥150,000)
The reversal of multiple-drug resistance by the fractionated radiation combined with p53 interfering Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China 20100061110070, ¥60,000
1. Nan Liang, Rui Zhong, Xue Hou, Gang Zhao, Shumei Ma, Guanghui Cheng, Xiaodong Liu.ATM participates in the regulation of ionizing radiation-induced cell death via MAPK14 in lung cancer H1299 cells. Cell Prolif., 2015, 48, 561–572
2. Zhong R, Xu H, Chen G, Zhao G,  Gao Y, Liu X, Ma S, Dong L. The role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in radiation-induced autophagic cell death in breast cancer cells. Tumor Biol. 2015, DOI 10.1007/s13277-015-3425-z
3. He MZhao YYi HSun HLiu XMa S. The combination of TP53INP1, TP53INP2 and AXIN2: potential biomarkers in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Endocrine.  2015 Mar;48(2):712-7
4. Zhao Y, Zhong R, Sun L, Jia J, Ma S, Liu X. Ionizing Radiation-Induced Adaptive Response in Fibroblasts under Both Monolayer and 3-Dimensional Conditions. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 25;10(3):e0121289. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121289   3.53
5. Zhao YL, Zhong LL, He MZ, Chen SL, Wang TJ, Ma SM, Liu XD.  The combined use of miRNAs and mRNAs as biomarkers for the diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma 2015, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE,  DOI: 10.3892/ijmm.2015.2305 
6. Chen S, Liu X, Ma S .Combination of miRNA and RNA Functions as Potential Biomarkers for Gastric Cancer .Tumour Biol.,  DOI 10.1007/s13277-015-3756-9
7. Wang B, Chen Z, Yu F, Chen Q, Tian Y, Ma S, Wang T, Liu X. Hsp90 regulates autophagy and plays a role in cancer therapy. Tumour Biol. 2015 Oct 2. [Epub ahead of print]
8. Zongyan Chen, Benli Wang, Feifei Yu, Qiao Chen, Yuxi Tian, Shumei Ma, Xiaodong Liu. The roles of mitochondria in radiation-induced autophagic cell death in cervical cancer cells. Tumor Biol. 2015, DOI 10.1007/s13277-015-4190-8
9. Yu FChen ZWang BJin ZHou YMa SLiu X. The role of lysosome in cell death regulation. Tumour Biol. 2015 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print]10.
10. Yang CHao JKong DCui XZhang WWang HGuo XMa SLiu XPu PXu B. ATM-mediated Mad1 Serine 214 phosphorylation regulates Mad1 dimerization and the spindle assemblycheckpoint. Carcinogenesis. 2014 Sep; 35(9):2007-13. 
11. Min Liu, Shumei Ma, Mingbo Liu, Yufei Hou, Bing Liang, Xu Su, Xiaodong Liu. Synergistic killing of lung cancer cells by cisplatin and radiation via autophagy and apoptosis. Oncol Lett. 2014 june;7(6): 1903-1910

12. Liang N , Jia L, Liu Y , Liang B , Kong D , Yan M , Ma S, Liu X. ATM pathway is essential for ionizing radiation- induced autophagy. Cellular Signaling. 25 (2013) 25302539.   13. Yi H, Liang B, Jia J, Liang N, Xu H, Ju G, Ma S, Liu X.  Differential roles of miR-199a-5p in radiation-induced autophagy in breast cancer cells. FEBS Lett. 2013 Mar 1;587:436-443 14. Qased AB, Yi H, Liang N, Ma S, Qiao S, Liu X. MicroRNA-18a upregulates autophagy and ataxia telangiectasia mutated gene expression in HCT116 colon cancer cells. Mol Med Rep. 2013 Feb;7(2):559-64.

15. Liu X, He M, Hou Y, Liang B, Zhao L, Ma S, Yu Y, Liu X. Expression profiles of microRNAs and their target genes in papillary thyroid carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 2013 Apr;29(4):1415-20
16. Ma S, Kong B, Liu B, Liu X. Biological effects of low-dose radiation from computed tomography scanning. Int J Radiat Biol. 2013 May; 89(5):326-33 .
17. Liu X, Zhao LY, Yu D, Ma S, Liu X. Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field on the health of workers in automotive industry. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013; 32(4): 551-559. 18. Jia L, Ma S, Hou X, Wang X, Qased AB, Sun X, Liang N, Li H, Yi H, Kong D, Liu X, Fan F.  The synergistic effects of traditional Chinese herbs and radiotherapy for cancer treatment.  ONCOLOGY LETTERS 2013, 5: 1439-1447. 19. Cheng GKong DHou XLiang BHe MLiang NMa SLiu X. The Tumor Suppressor, p53, Contributes to Radiosensitivity of Lung Cancer Cells by Regulating Autophagy and Apoptosis. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2013, 28(2): 153-159. 20. Yang C, Lee M, Hao J, Cui X, Guo X, Smal C, Bontemps F, Ma S, Liu X, Engler D, Parker WB, Xu B. Deoxycytidine kinase regulates the G2/M checkpoint through interaction with cyclin-dependent kinase 1 in response to DNA damage. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Oct; 40(19):9621-32.
21. Wang T, Ma S, Kong D, Yi H, Wang X, Liang B, Xu H, He M, Jia L, Qased AB, Yang Y, LiuX. Effect of ionizing radiation on acinar morphogenesis of human prostatic epithelial cells under three-dimensionalculture conditions. Neoplasma. 2012; 59(3):269-81.
 22. Kong D, Ma S, Liang B, Yi H, Zhao Y, Xin R, Cui L, Jia L, Liu X, Liu X. The different regulatory effects of p53 status on multidrug resistance are determined by autophagy in ovarian cancer cells. Biomed Pharmacother. 2012 Jun; 66(4):271-8.
23. Liang B, Kong D, Liu Y, Liang N, He M, Ma S, Liu X. Autophagy inhibition plays the synergetic killing roles with radiation in the multi-drug resistant SKVCR ovarian cancer cells. Radiat Oncol. 2012 Dec 17; 7:213-224.
24. Ma S, Jiao B, Liu X, Yi H, Kong D, Gao L, Zhao G, Yang Y, Liu X. Approach to radiation therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Treat Rev. 2010 Apr; 36(2):157-63.
25. Ma S, Liu X, Jiao B, Yang Y, Liu X*. Low-dose radiation- induced responses: focusing on epigenetic regulation.  Int J Radiat Biol.  2010 Jul; 86(7):517-28.
26. Ma S, Liu G, Sun Y, Xie J. Relocalization of the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein during PKA-induced neurite growth. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2007 Jun; 1773(6):912-23.
27. Yang JZ, Jin GH, Liu XD*, Liu Y, Liu SZ. Therapeutic effect of pEgr-IL18-B7.2 gene-radiotherapy in B16 melanoma-bearing mice. Human Gene therapy, 2007, 18(4):323-332. [IF:4.33]
28. Jin GH, Liu Y, Jin SZ, Liu XD*, Liu SZ. UVB induced oxidative stress in human kerotinocytes and protective effect of antioxidant agents. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2007, 4661-68 [IF:1.07]
29. Shan YX, Jin SZ, Liu XD*, Liu SZ. Ionizing radiation stimulates secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines: dose-response relationship, mechanisms and implications. Radiat Environ Biophys. 2007, 4621-29 .[IF:1.07]
30. Liu XD, Ma SM, Liu Y, . Short hairpin RNA and retroviral vector–mediated silencing of p53 in mammalian cells. Bio. Biophy. Res. Commun., 2004,32,1173-1178 
31. Liu SZ, Jin SZ, Liu XD. Radiation-induced bystander effect in immune response. Biomedical  and Environmental Science, 2004, 17:40-46
32. Sun YC, Liu XD, Yang XL, et al. Effects of high voltage prickle electrostatic field on the expressions of the surface molecules on the T lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells of mice. In : Recent developments in applied elctrostatics (Elsevier, ISBN 0-08-044584-5. Edt. By Sun Keping and Yu Gefei). The 5th International Conference on Applied Electrostatics(ICAES, Shanghai)2004, 280-286
33. Liu XD, Ma SM, Liu SZ. Effects of 0.075 Gy x-ray irradiation on the expression of IL-10 and IL-12 in mice. Phys Med Biol. 2003, 7; 48(13):2041-9
34. Liu SZ, Jin SZ, Liu XD.  Bystander effect induced by X-irradiation in the immune system. Transactions ANS, 2003, 86:657-658            
35. Liu SZ, Jin SZ, Liu XD. Role of CD28/B7 costimulation and IL-12/IL-10 interaction in the radiation-induced immune changes. BMC Immunology. 2001;2:8



School Of Public Health Jilin University

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