Jilin University School of Public Health 2022 National Excellent College Students Summer Camp
Post:2022-05-28 22:01  Click:

In order to fully implement the requirements of the Implementation Plan of Jilin University for Strengthening the Publicity of Postgraduate Enrollment (JF [2019] No. 113), further improve the quality of our graduate students, deepen the understanding of young students on the cutting-edge achievements of our discipline, attract and select excellent undergraduate students to study for master's degree in our college, our college will hold a summer camp in 2022.

1、 College Introduction

The School of Public Health of Jilin University was founded in 1958. Through the efforts of several generations, it has developed into a teaching and research base of public health and related disciplines with strong comprehensive strength and distinctive characteristics. After more than 60 years of development, it has trained a large number of talents in the field of public health and preventive medicine for the country. At present, the college has three post-doctoral research mobile stations: public health and preventive medicine, basic medicine (radiation medicine), and public management (social medicine and health management); The first level disciplines of public health and preventive medicine and the second level disciplines of radiation medicine, social medicine and health management are authorized for the doctor's degree; The enrollment majors of the authorized points for master's degree include: Epidemiology and Health Statistics, Labor Health and Environmental Hygiene, Health Toxicology, Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Medical Informatics, Special Medicine, Social Medicine and Health Management, and Public Health.

2、 Apply for qualification

1. We support the leadership of the CPC, and are willing to serve the socialist modernization drive. We have good moral quality, law-abiding, physical and mental health, good moral character, and have not received disciplinary punishment during school. He has strong interest in academic research, good professional quality, strong innovation awareness and ability, and high training potential.

2. Undergraduate students (graduated in 2023) in national colleges and universities have obtained or will obtain the qualification of recommended graduate students from the universities they study.

3. Good English level, with a score of more than 425 in the National College English Test Band 4.

4. The admission principle of the major to be applied for in this summer camp: the applicant's conditions must meet the requirements of the 2023 postgraduate enrollment directory.

5. The majors of the open summer camp in 2022 are epidemic and health statistics, labor hygiene and environmental hygiene, nutrition and food hygiene, medical informatics, social medicine and health management.

3、 Schedule

This summer camp will be held from June 10 to June 23, 2022, using the form of network remote video, and the online communication time is about 1-2 days. The main activities include college and discipline introduction, personal academic ability demonstration, online face-to-face communication with young scholars and assessment of excellent campers. The specific time will be notified later.

4、 Relevant policies

Our college will review the application materials submitted by the students and their comprehensive performance during the summer camp to determine the list of excellent campers. On the basis of meeting the relevant requirements of our college for accepting the recommended exemption master's degree candidates and the relevant policies of the college, we can directly accept them as the "exemption candidates" of the School of Public Health of Jilin University, and use the major I fill in the Application Form as the reference for my future admission; All exempted students will receive academic scholarships in the first academic year after admission.

5、 Declaration method

1. Online registration

Students applying for the summer camp must pass the "Summer Camp Registration System" of Jilin University (website: https://yzb.jlu.edu.cn/ )Those who have not registered in the system will not be admitted. Note that the information of all electronic application materials must be completely consistent with the online newspaper information, otherwise it will affect the registration.

2. Submission

(1) Application Form for 2022 National Excellent University Student Academic Summer Camp (Annex 1);

(2) One copy of transcript shall be affixed with the official seal of the educational administration department;

(3) Other supporting materials - foreign language proficiency certificates (CET-4 and CET-6 certificates, etc.), award-winning certificates, and published papers.

The above application materials should be arranged in the order of the above list. After all the documents are signed and sealed, they should be scanned or photographed in color (PDF format). The file naming format is: "undergraduate school name+name+summer camp", and the electronic version should be sent to 1900******@qq.com (Email name "name of undergraduate school+name+summer camp").

The deadline for receiving all the above electronic materials is 8:00 a.m. on June 6, 2022.

6、 Others

Our school will review the applicants' qualifications according to their academic level and scientific research ability. The shortlist will be announced before June 10. At the same time, we will release the summer camp schedule and network remote operation process. Please pay attention at any time. No further notice will be given to students who have not entered the camp.

Students who apply for the summer camp should join the qq group 25308***8 after submitting the electronic materials. After joining the group, their real name is "student name - school". If there is any change in the summer camp arrangement, we will inform you in time in the group.

Welcome the students who are interested in applying for the postgraduate examination in the School of Public Health of Jilin University to apply! College official website: http:/


School Of Public Health Jilin University

Tel:+86 431-85166000 Zip code:130012

Address:NO.2699 Qianjin Street,Changchun,Jilin,P.R.China